The Fruit of Our Labor

Woman weaver with her baby in Guatemala

We had the opportunity this last week to check in on the progress of our community micro-credit and women’s savings circles in the communities of Pacutama and Chuicutama, and Cajola and it was inspiring to see the changes happening! Chuicutama Over 8 years ago, Yabal received a grant for Q15,000 for the community of Chuicutama

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Women in Finance!

Womens weaving cooperative in Guatemala

Women’s Saving Circles in Pacutama, Chuicutuma, and Cajola This year began a new program with our women’s weaving cooperatives- financial literacy training and the formation of savings circles. We are extremely grateful to Catholic Relief Services for sharing their savings circles methodology to train our groups of women in this process. The two groups are formed of

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